L'automobile ieri e oggi
Other title(s): L'automobile ieri e oggi
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1953
Runtime: 00:09:00
Description: The history of the car manufacturing corporation Fiat from 1899 to the 1950s. Through a short overview the film provides insights on the earliest car models and on the production process inside the factories. Italian actress Rossana Podestà is featured at the end of the movie.
Keywords: Victor-E project / redevelopment / indoor / outdoor / work / town / day / laborer / family / female / motorway / street / car / manufacturing process / vegetation / countryside / prewar architecture / factory / private company / Rossana Podestà
Provider: CSC – Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa
Rights: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted / Centro Storico Fiat - Please contact CSC-Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa for more information
Production company: Pisani Fernando
Colour: Black & White
Director: Carlo Musso
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: it